Presented by: Panthers Penrith
"The Joe Cocker Express: Mad Dog vs. The Englishman" is an extraordinary tribute show that takes you on a journey through the legendary career of Joe Cocker, capturing the essence of two defining eras in his life. This dynamic performance begins with the soulful, mature sounds of Cocker’s later years—known as "The Englishman"—before diving into the raw, gritty energy of his early career as the "Mad Dog."
In the first act, the show explores the sophisticated sound of the 80s and beyond, featuring iconic hits like "Up Where We Belong", "Unchain My Heart" and "You Can Leave Your Hat On”. This segment showcases Cocker’s deep, gravelly voice that resonated with audiences around the world, delivering a powerful performance that reflects his seasoned artistry.
The second act transports you back to the rebellious spirit of the late 60s and 70s. Here, the energy ramps up with Cocker’s groundbreaking renditions of classics like "Feelin’ Alright", "The Letter" and "With a Little Help from My Friends". This act channels the electrifying performances that made Cocker a Woodstock legend and a rock icon with his Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour.
Don’t miss this unforgettable tribute to one of rock and soul’s greatest voices.
Doors: 7:30pm Start: 8:00pm Finish: 10:20pm Interval: 9:00pm - 9:20pm
Fri 17 Oct 2025EVAN Theatre Panthers, Sydney, NSW
The Joe Cocker Express. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus convallis pellentesque nisl sit amet tristique. Pellentesque cursus leo enim, in aliquet ligula vestibulum vitae. Phasellus tempus diam eu ante eleifend congue. Proin tincidunt placerat convallis. Donec rhoncus nunc a ullamcorper hendrerit. Fusce sed ligula lectus. Nullam ut dignissim Sign In or Register Now.
Venue: EVAN Theatre, Panthers, NSW
Date: Fri 17 Oct 2025 8:00PM
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